Alaskapox: Silent threat emerges, claiming its first victim; is another epidemic waiting for the US?

Visual Representation for skin bump created due to Alaskapox infection | Credits: The State of Alaska Website
Visual Representation for skin bump created due to Alaskapox infection | Credits: The State of Alaska Website

United States: Alaskapox has made headlines after an elderly American from the Kenai Peninsula of Alaska lost his life because of the virus. Health experts are concerned about the infection because it is the first ever death linked to the rare disease since it was discovered in 2015.

According to various reports, the health authorities have conducted an investigation against the rare disease following the fatality.

How the disease can be explained?

The virus responsible for Alaskapox is orthopoxvirus, which belongs to a family of brick-shaped viruses. Health experts have emphasized that the virus is dangerous for both animals as well as humans, according to the reports by the Associated Press.

The signs or symptoms shown by the individual infected by orthopoxvirus are skin lesions or pox.

History of the disease!

The virus was first detected in a woman living near Fairbanks, Alaska; however, since the discovery, the disease is prominently found in the small mammals, including red-backed voles and shrews. Along with this, the virus could also infect domestic pets, including dogs and cats.

Common signs and symptoms of the disease

The most commonly seen sign or symptom of the disease is the development of one or more bumps or pustules on the skin. Besides this, an infected person could also experience joint or muscle pain with swollen lymph nodes.

Health experts have emphasized that the disease is a major threat for individuals dealing with any chronic disease or having a weakened immune system. It is to be noted that to date, the cases detected among humans – over the past nine years have been cured without any medication as the infection was mild.

What is the most common mode of transmission for Alaskapox?

Health experts have highlighted that the disease is transmitted to a healthy person through direct contact with infected animals. As of now, the medical experts have not reported any case linked to Alaskapox spreading from person to person.

However, experts have not discovered an exact way of transmission of the disease, but researchers have mentioned that there is a possibility that it can transfer from animals to humans.

What precautions must be followed by the infected person?

The health experts have outlined that an individual dealing with the infection must cover the lesion with a bandage or something similar. As per the authorities, the potential threat of transmission will reduce after covering the lesion or bumps on the skin.

What is the latest case of Alaskapox unveiled?

The preliminary information by the health experts has outlined that the man who succumbed to the disease was seeking treatment for cancer – which weakened his immune system.

According to the reports by AP, the man initially noticed a red sore in his right armpit in the month of September. Following this, he experienced persistent fatigue and burning pain, due to which he sought medical attention.

Visual Representation for scratch by a cat | Credits: Google Images

After no improvement was reported in his health condition, he was hospitalized in November. However, he lost his life to the virus in the subsequent month. The health experts have also emphasized that the possible reason behind the infection was a scratch from a stray cat – as one scratch was found near the site of his armpit lesion.

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